Welcome to Becoming Lighthearted, a Reiki Infused Meditation Library by Sarah Stockham!
You are here for a reason. You've felt the heavy weight of unkind experiences. You've heard the loud voice in your head making demands. Outside sources of comfort & gentleness only permeate so far.
I know your pain because it's been mine, too.
You KNOW you are made for more & because of that, you sense your Light could be brighter. You genuinely yearn for that!
The spirit realm keeps putting synchronicities in your path to actually guide you to a new space.
This IS that new space!
And in this space, you can choose to release, open your heart & become Lighthearted--allowing the Light in your Heart center to GROW brighter, stronger!
Join this monthly subscription of Reiki infused Meditations & allow this gentle path to help you turn your back on the dryness of continual demands while softly opening your heart center to let your inner Being shine!
A friend told me yesterday these meditations take her deeper than any others.
Another shared she felt like a puddle of "luminous goo" saying "OMG. It’s so powerful! I feel absolutely euphoric and warm and amazing after that meditation. Wowwwww. I’ve never experienced that before. Its’s so powerful!"
This growing Meditation Library of carefully selected & recorded impactful guided meditations is uniquely hand crafted for YOU, so that you can actually BE the Lighthearted Being you ARE!
So, get comfy & ready so you can be YOUR best version, now! You are invited to join now and move towards Becoming Lighthearted!
You are worth it!